Pocket Ballroom

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Pocket Ballroom

Pocket Ballroom is the perfect app for Ballroom dance lovers to learn, to connect, and to share!

Main Features:

Online class subscription · Ballroom dance lovers community

My Inputs:

UI/UX Designer

User Research, Product Design, Visual Design, Prototyping & Testing

February 2019 - July 2019


Pocket Ballroom is a volunteering project that I did for my ballroom dance studio. The dance studio wanted to create an online dance community that ballroom dance lovers can subscribe to online classes taught by teachers from the studio as well as share dance experience and help each other ( for example, finding dance partners).

The whole project was voluntary. I was the only designer in the team and worked closely together with the studio’s owner and manager as well as one engineer.

Understand the Problem:

Together with the manager of the dance studio, we did questionnaire surveys and user interviews with the students of the studio asking about their expectations for the future app and how could it solve their current pain points.

The data that was gathered from the survey and interviews revealed that:

  • A lot of students in the studio are temporarily living in Amsterdam and don’t have the opportunities to always take the live classes, however, they really like the teachers and want to continue their classes even remotely.
  • 56% of the students who answer the questionnaire say they have a problem finding a dance partner
  • Information regarding dance events is not centralized. They have to go through several social media platforms and websites to gather up-to-date events/competition details.
  • An online ballroom dance community is definitely an awesome idea! At the moment, everything is done through Facebook group, Whatsapp group, or meetup group.
User Persona:

Based on the user research, we defined the following main user persona:

Define Product Vision:

Based on the user research and user persona, we defined the following product vision:

  • The product allows users to learn ballroom dance anywhere and anytime through online class subscription.
  • The product offers a platform where ballroom dance lovers ( not restricted to students in the studio ) can connect, share, and improve together.

A/B Testing:

A/B testing was conducted on Usabilityhub. There were 50 participants in total. 64% of the participants vote for the dark theme while 32% vote for the light theme and 4% didn’t care so much.


See Concept Video