
illustrations illustrations illustrations illustrations illustrations illustrations illustrations

Inu Health is a digital Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) program for managing menstrual-related symptoms for women with endometriosis who wish to take back control of their lives again.

Target Group:

Women who constantly suffer from menstrual pains, women who are suffering from endometriosis or under higher risks of gynecological diseases.

Main Features:

Period Tracker · Symptoms Tracker · Digital Therapies · Endometriosis Nutrition Care · Analysis of Tracking · Articles Related to Women’s Health

My Role:
  • Solo product designer
  • Illustrator

Inu Health is my freelance project that I joined from the very beginning as the only designer in the team. I work closely together with the three founders of the start-up and support design across every aspect of our business and am responsible for leading UX and UI across key parts of the application.

Key Achievements:
  • Established a visual identity that helps to maintain the consistency of design across the multiple digital platforms and social media channels
  • Shaped a design process which includes conducting regular user research, design ideation, and constant testing and iterating
  • Transformed a conceptual idea into tangible product
Understand the Problem:

Together with the founders of INU, we conducted focus group discussions as well as user interviews with women who suffer from endometriosis to uncover their pain points. It was revealed that:

  • Endometriosis is hard to diagnose. A lot of symptoms are similar to menstrual symptoms and are tended to be normalized.
  • They don’t find any good digital product in the market that tracks symptoms, especially regarding endometriosis.
  • They would like a “pocket nurse” to help them alleviate the disease by given attentive daily suggestions.
  • Diet plays an essential part in their daily life
Benchmarking and Brainstorming:

User Persona:

Based on user research and analysis, we defined several user personas:

Product Vision:

Based on the user pain points and user persona, we decided the following product goals:

  • Provide personalized audio therapy to help users alleviate their symptoms
  • Help users track symptoms in details and especially focused on endometriosis
  • Constantly provide scientific analysis that is generated according to the user’s daily symptoms tracking
  • Provide scientific nutrient advice on the daily diet
Defining the MVP:
  • Period tracker combined with symptoms tracker
  • 28 days of digital audio therapy
  • Nutrition tips specialized in endometriosis
  • Data analysis
User Scenario Mapping:

User Flow:


Logo and Style Guide:


See Inu Health app prototype


I have worked together with the founders to build the design process and I really appreciate that we decided to have a shorter iteration and user research cadence.

The mode of 1 week design sprint, then another week doing user research helps the team to build up a truly user-centered product. I love that we always work so closely together to collect and gather feedback from our potential users on every design optimization.

We usually use affinity mapping to analyze qualitative data. Meanwhile, rainbow sheet is also a favorable tool. Here are some pictures that were taken during our data analysis process.